1.archetype / 2.tractor / 3.my altar / 4.states of being / 5.wet paint / other

Sculpture made during the Roda art residency, and part of the art colony exhibition at the Jovan Popovic Gallery, Opovo, Serbia
Concrete, wood, metal, glass, styrofoam, dried pampas, plastic details.

email: niacenkova@icloud.com

instagram: @__niya__tsenkova__


Niya Tsenkova (1999) is a multidisciplinary artist from Sofia, Bulgaria. She has been exploring the diversity of materials and experimental approaches towards producing work over the past years. After graduating from a Fine Arts bachelor program at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, her practice focused on the interaction between ceramics and metal. Niya took her classically oriented skills and translated them into developing her own visual language, where she works with the contrast between the organic nature of clay sculpture and the contemporary aesthetics of metal constructions. Use of negative spaces, intuitive work and separate objects forming a whole are crucial aspects in her methodology. She draws inspiration from various sources, including icons, idols, religious art, and relics; while questioning their relevance and place in the modern world. The aesthetics of religious art from the past and visual circulation of ideas it has provided is another curiosity of hers, The artist examines Cultural Heritage and its social perceptions in the context of contemporary society focusing on their visual interaction.


Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
BA Painting and Printmaking
The Hague, the Netherlands

National School of Fine Arts Iliya Petrov
Illustration and Book Design
Sofia, Bulgaria


Set design assistant - Igor Schiller studio

De Appel, contemporary arts centre - Amsterdam

Recent Exhibitions

The hundred year old window - solo show at Lira gallery Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia Art Week 7, Campo Verita - group exhibition in Doza Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

Group exhibition, interventions in the urban environment - “Nine Elephants” in Swimming pool gallery, and part of the Nine Elephants collection Sofia, Bulgaria

Doors.Gates.Portals - solo show at KO-OP Gallery - Sofia, Bulgaria.

Workshop/walk accompanying event to the Doors.Gates.Portals exhibition, resulting into a limited edition zine printed in Slopi Kopi. Presented at the finissage of the exhibition

Art Start - Young artists to follow in 2024, Smack the soil group exhibition at Credo Bonum Gallery- Sofia, Bulgaria

Selected for Haagse Kunstenaars database to be registered as a professional artist with Stroom Den Haag

“A brief wind of telekinesis” group exhibition at Personeelskamer - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Re-Build group exhibition at De Hillevliet, part of South Explorer - Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Tiny Art Gallery The Hague, group exhibition; hosted by Posta space, during FIG.3 festival - Sofia, Bulgaria

HECTOBAR 21.0, De Ijskast Rotterdam, Netherlands

Commissioned gilding work

Part of Hoogtij #71 with Visible Invisibility

Visible Invisibility- exhibition at 98 Gallery Pop-up location The Hague, Netherlands

Two week residency RODA, resulting in an exhibition at the Jovan Popovic Gallery
Opovo, Serbia

Shortlisted for the Arts Thread Global Design Graduate show  

Graduation Show at the Royal academy of art, The Hague

“MY ALTAR” KABK Fine Arts Pre-graduation exhibition

“As Is Where Is” at Atenor; The Hague, Netherlands

“States of Being” mixed media installation part of a group exhibition at Maakhaven; The Hague, Netherlands

“93-95 assemblage”, temporary independent exhibition space, hosting a multidisciplinary dynamic group assemblage Sofia, Bulgaria

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